Social Media Engagement Definition

Social media engagement is the amount of bonds, likes, and remarks on a post. It is a typical metric for deciding the efficiency of a social media marketing movement. Social media managers study engagement metrics to control if their audience cares about their content.
Social media engagement plays a dangerous role in determining the spread and ultimate sales success of B2C brands.

Brands can make their products known to society through social platforms by applying the right customer engagement marketing tactics.

Beyond making people aware of your products, it’s just as crucial to build and work on your brand’s consumer engagement and user acquisition.

What is Engagement?

The word engagement is an anglicism that in Spanish means “commitment”. In digital marketing, the word engagement is used to refer to the level of commitment that an audience has to a company’s content; shared mainly through digital platforms such as websites, social networks, emails, or the time a person spends interacting on said platforms.

Engagement is not the same as engagement marketing. The latter contains a marketing strategy that directly involves consumers and invitations them to participate in the evolution of the brand experience.
Instead of viewing consumers as passive recipients of messages, engagement marketing sees them as key players in producing and creating marketing plans.

How to Measure the Engagement Rate in Social Networks?

How to Measure the Engagement Rate in Social Networks?

In the case of social networks, there are different habits to measure the engagement rate of an audience: by spread, by impressions, by several followers, and daily. You only have to alter the formula of the mutable in the denominator.

For Example

To measure the engagement rate on social networks by reach, you must apply the following formula:

  • The total of interactions is the sum of “likes,” comments, and several shares. Next, measure the engagement per publication. Finally, you replace “reach” with “number of followers.” We show you: The engagement of the publication about the number of followers is 15.45%.
  • However, there are other types of interactions or indicators that you can use to measure engagement outside of social media, such as visits to a website, subscribers to a newsletter, comments, and likes on articles.
  • Therefore, it is important that the interactions you choose to calculate the engagement rate depend on the channels, objectives, and the strategy you are implementing.

5 Tips to Improve Social Media Engagement

Now we are going to give you some tips so that that mathematical operation you see up there gives good results.

Social Media – Post Quality and Valuable Content

Pay attention. We have not said only content. But “valuable” and “useful”. This means that if you are a specialist in something, take advantage of it. Pass on your knowledge. It will be useful to many users of social networks. And they will decide to follow you for it. That is, you will achieve engagement.

Social Media – Think About your Audience

Do not dedicate yourself only to promoting your products. Share posts that may interest everyone. For example, talk about original photographs, famous phrases, etc. Insert CTAs (calls to action) in your posts. It can be simply asking them to answer a question or give their opinion on a topic. Contests also bring very good results. Some studies say that contests produce up to 30% more social media engagement.

Social Media – Listen to Your Followers

If you do, you will be contacting the most important people in the process of disseminating your content. And, thus, it will be more feasible for you to get loyal followers. Respond to their direct messages as soon as possible. Like them. Let them know that you read them and that you care.

Social Media – Use Images

You will always achieve a greater impact on the reader if you use photos. If you follow this advice, keep one other thing in mind. Always use the same type of images for your followers to recognize you. And please use quality photos. You do not know the bad impression produced by pixelated. As for the photos, you can take them yourself or take them from the many free image banks on the web. You can also create infographics. Graphic elements increase engagement by 53% in the case of Facebook. And up to 150% on Twitter.

Social Media  – Listen to all Opinions

If you listen to your followers and other professionals in the sector, you will improve your engagement on social networks. Their information, even negative, will be useful to you. In addition, it is the best way to correct the mistakes and errors that we can make.

Tricks to getting Engagement on Social Media Facebook

Tricks to getting Engagement on Social Media Facebook

They are the following:

Use Facebook Ads

With very little investment you can get a good profit. However, to achieve a more significant impact, it is always better to be simple publications with little text and links to a post.

Use Videos

It is best not to last more than a minute or a minute and a half. And make it pleasant, relaxed, and, if you can, with a bit of sparkle humor.

Ask questions in the sentence.

The questions invite participation from the fans. In general, questions usually double the number of comments and get more likes and shares. That is, considerably increase your engagement on social networks.

Don’t use too Big Posts

Posts of less than 80 characters have approximately 25% more engagement.

Put Attractive Titles

Getting attention with a good title is essential. You can use emoticons or symbols.

Public at the Best Hours

If you publish at the time that Facebook has the best percentage of interaction, it will be easier to achieve engagement. What time is it? There are many studies on the Internet about it. But if not, look at your audience data in Twitter Analytics, and you’ve got it.

Public Periodically

Do not disappear. If your audience doesn’t see you regularly, they forget about you. In addition, you will lose pull in the face of the Facebook algorithm.

Your Experiences

If you publish your experiences, work anecdotes, or even experiments or anecdotes, you will attract more people. They will feel greater affinity and closeness with you. And, in the end, they will give you more likes.

Tricks to get Engagement with Social Media Twitter

Tricks to get Engagement with Social Media Twitter

There they go:

    • Use videos, photos, infographics, and gifs. Images and videos are excellent for triggering engagement on social networks. For example, tweets with images receive 89% more “favorites” and 150% more retweets.
    • Periodic but not continuous tweets. In all social networks, posting regularly is very important. It gives us more visibility and increases the number of fans. But remember: never tweet in a row. These should be spaced out over time so as not to overwhelm readers and reach a larger volume of people. Also, remember to vary the formats and themes.
    • Multiply your diffusion with influencers. To find them, put the keyword in the Twitter search engine. For example, “online marketing” and add “lang: es” to limit the search to Spanish. Once the influencers have been selected, put them on a list: follow them, mention them, retweet their content… If you manage to get any of your tweets published on their timeline, you will have managed to reach thousands of people.

More Tricks

  • Post at the best times. We explained before how to know them. Getting the timing right will boost your engagement on social media considerably.
  • Use custom branded hashtags in every post.
  • Always be faithful to your brand: It is your personality that differentiates you from the rest. Post at the best times. We explained before how to know them. Getting the timing right will boost your engagement on social media considerably.

Finally, whether on Facebook or Twitter, never forget to measure the results. It is useless to work on your social networks without knowing whether what you are doing is effective or not. Ask yourself what your goals are, and set yourself a series of key metrics or KPIs.


Engagement is a word that became fashionable as a result of the explosion of social networks. In the beginning, all of us who began to work on marketing in this new medium that emerged needed to measure the actions in one way or another. However, we started with counting the likes, the comments, etc., and we continued with the engagement, which at the beginning we obtained through a formula in which we added the number of likes.